Online Resources

Residents Urged to Use Online and Mail Services

Town Hall Offices are open to the public.  Residents and businesses are encouraged to still use online services, online forms and mail, to complete town business.  We urge those who must appear in person to please wear a mask if you are feeling sick, to protect our employees and prevent the spead of disease.

Online Resources


Building & Zoning - Permits can be obtained and paid for on-line. If you do not want to pay the credit card's convenience fee you can drop your check off in the payment box in the rear of Town Hall. Please put it in an envelope with the labeled "Building Department".

Court Fines - Municipal court fines can be paid online through Curia systems. Have your ticket number ready.

Tax Payments - The Town accepts tax payments online through this website. You can also set up an automated quarterly payment by completing this form.

 Essential services are open to the public.

Town Hall main number 401-822-9200, or contact the department for more information.

Town Clerk 401-822-9201
Tax Assessor 401-822-9208
Tax Collector 401-822-9210
Finance Department 401-822-9216
Building Official 401-822-9222
Personnel Department 401-825-7235
Community Development 401-822-9218
Town Manager 401-822-9219
Town Planner 401-827-9025

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding during this unprecedented public health